How To

How to Gracefully Answer Rude Questions About Your Psoriasis How To

How to Gracefully Answer Rude Questions About Your Psoriasis

Rude questions about your psoriasis are going to occur from time to time and you have to be prepared to answer in the proper way. You want to answer in a graceful way instead of starting a large fight with the other person. You should know how to gracefully answer rude questions about your psoriasis. […]

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3 minute read

How to Help Your Employer Understand Your Migraines How To

How to Help Your Employer Understand Your Migraines

Migraines are nothing like standard headaches, yet many people, employers included, may not understand much about them. The Migraine Research Foundation states that over 10% of the population suffers from migraines, and that 90% of sufferers are not able to function normally or work during a migraine. If you choose to discuss your condition with […]

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How to Talk to Your Wife About Your Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction

How to Talk to Your Wife About Your Erectile Dysfunction

Talking about any ailment can be difficult, but this is uniquely true for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). Men who live with this disorder can have trouble communicating about it with anyone, especially their wives. Unfortunately, these are the individuals who need the most reassurance. Luckily, the challenging conversation can be easy to […]

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