Multiple Sclerosis

Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis

Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a medical condition of the immune system, in which the body attacks the myelin coating of the nerves. The normal brain to body message are disrupted, and the patient can experience a variety of symptoms, such as problems with vision, lack of coordination, numbness, muscle weakness, speech problems and cognitive impairment. A […]

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Types of Multiple Sclerosis: The Facts Multiple Sclerosis

Types of Multiple Sclerosis: The Facts

Many people don’t know that multiple sclerosis isn’t just one disease, but several. In fact, four types of multiples sclerosis are recognized. Progressive-Relapsing MS In this type of the disease, also called PRMS, the disease progresses steadily over time. Now and then there are flare-ups from which patients might recover, but they do not experience […]

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9 Ways to Create a More Accessible Workplace Multiple Sclerosis

9 Ways to Create a More Accessible Workplace

Finding work, acquiring transportation to work and orienting to a new workplace are among the challenges that the disabled face in their pursuit of gainful employment. The greatest challenge that the disabled employee faces is the potential disability-related obstacles preventing them from doing the job itself. To complicate this problem, disabled employees do not all […]

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