6 Ways To Make Coffee At Home

4 minute read

By Chelsea Dolan

Americans spend a lot of money on coffee. In fact, consumers have spent over $74.2 billion in one year and reports show the average worker spends $20 per week on coffee. Getting a cup of coffee has become a morning ritual for many, but there’s a reason to skip the Starbucks drive thru and make your coffee at home: the cost. There are different types of machines that will brew your cup just how you like it, and you won’t have to pay $3 for someone else to do it.

Whether you’re looking to switch up your morning routine, save money on take-out drinks, or find a better tasting brewing method, here are six tasty ways to make coffee at home.

1. French Press

The French press is a manual coffee maker that was invented in 1929. It works by steeping coffee grounds directly in hot water, and you slowly depress the plunger to press all of the grounds through the water. It takes about four minutes and is more eco-friendly than many other coffee makers since this method eliminates the need for using a paper filter.

A French press gives you more flavorful and creamy coffee because it extracts oils and sediment from the ground coffee more than other brewing methods. Prevent your coffee from being bland or burnt by boiling the water between 200 and 212ºF. Just remember that French press filters allow higher amounts of cafestol and kahweol into your coffee, so avoid drinking more than a few cups to stay healthy.

2. Aeropress

An Aeropress coffee maker is similar to the French press, but with a twist. The plunger is used to filter and brew the coffee with step-by-step instruction. You have to place a filter in the Aeropress, cap it, put ground coffee in the chamber and then add water. After stirring the coffee and water together, wait about 20 seconds and then plunge.

From there, you can make different types of coffee. Aeropress has specific instructions for different cold and hot coffees such as espresso, latte, cold brew, American coffee and more. This coffee maker made its debut in the coffee world in 2005 and has been gradually growing in popularity ever since. It’s a fast way to make coffee that’s good for people who are on the go and need a quick fix of caffeine.

3. Vietnamese Phin

A simple way for solo coffee drinkers to brew their coffee is with a Vietamese dripper. After four to five minutes, you’ll be left with a smooth tasting cup of coffee with less bite that’s weaker than espresso. It works by pouring fairly coarse beans into the water and waiting for it to drip.

This user-friendly method is ideal for people wanting to enjoy a less complicated form of drip coffee. There are no paper filters required, allowing oil to pass through to the brew. Plus, this is an excellent option for iced coffee lovers.

4. Coffee Cone

All you need for this pour-over method is a simple filter cone. It works by pouring hot water evenly over coffee grounds inside the paper filter, and letting gravity naturally drip the brewed coffee directly into a cup or pot. It’s a slow but guaranteed way to give you a coffee shop quality drink straight from your kitchen.

It’s recommended that you use medium-fine to coarse coffee beans. Filter cones are affordable and can last a very long time, whether you decide to buy one that’s plastic or ceramic. This method is portable, easy to clean and produces a single cup of coffee.

5. Siphon

A fancy-looking coffee maker that will add some style to your kitchen is the siphon. It’s a vacuum coffee making method that was invented in Germany in the 1840s. This brew involves adding coffee grounds to the upper vessel, where the vapor pressure forces hot water up to immerse the coffee.

Gravity pushes the brewed coffee back into the filter at the bottom once the heat is removed, resulting in several mellow, delicately-flavored cups of coffee. It takes about six minutes to brew and isn’t a portable option, but it’s a unique method that will look cool on your kitchen counter.

6. Cold Brew

Not only is cold brew coffee growing in popularity at major coffee chains, but it’s easy enough for you to make at home. All you have to do is add coarse ground coffee and water in a jar. Then let it sit for an extended period of time, at least 12 hours or more. Filter out the grounds and you’ll be left with a coffee concentrate that can be served with water or milk.

To have your coffee on time each day, start a routine by making your coffee in the morning and allowing the grounds to sit for 24 hours. It will be ready for the next day, and you’ll be left with a smooth drink that’s low maintenance to prepare.

Chelsea Dolan
