If you or someone you know who has been dealing with diabetes their whole life, you need to see these incredible alternative diabetes treatments.

From the researchers at Harvard and MIT, the breakthroughs they’ve found could make insulin injections a thing of the past.  And it’s all happening right here, right now!

Finally, A Pain Free Alternative

Pills are available for plenty of medications and medical conditions, but they aren’t ever available for diabetics. For decades, diabetics have long been stuck injecting themselves multiple times throughout the day simply because insulin can’t survive the journey through the digestive system, as Wired explains.

So what could be actually available now?

The MIT researchers created a blue berry sized capsule that can hold compressed insulin. When taken, the pill travels to the stomach and dissolve to release a tiny needle made of freeze-dried insulin. Once in the stomach, that tiny needle injects insulin, delivering exactly the dose the patient needs. This incredible, one-of-a-kind pill is an engineering feat. When swallowed, the pill can turn around and orient itself to ensure the insulin is properly delivered. And diabetics won’t feel a thing once the tiny needle delivers its insulin dosage.

Dubbed a “surgery in a pill“, affiliated Harvard researchers have found a compound that forms a temporary intestinal lining.  Taken before a meal, the pill creates a lining blocks nutrients like glucose from being absorbed and thereby reducing blood sugar levels.  The lining eventually passes through the body and has already shown to reduce glucose levels in early trials.

Early Results Hold Massive Promise

If this insulin pill sounds too good to be true, diabetics don’t need to worry about getting their hopes up. Researchers have found that the pill is performing in promising ways, and it’s even been working perfectly in pigs. The scientists have been testing the medication in pigs, and it’s successfully lowered the pigs’ blood glucose levels without any adverse side effects.

Because the first trials have been so successful, the next step will test the insulin pill in larger animals. Once it’s deemed safe and effective, testing on humans can begin.

For diabetics and doctors, this is a huge breakthrough. While it was once thought impossible to deliver insulin in any format other than a shot, pills could now be on the horizon. And this means those with diabetes could find managing their condition a lot easier. Instead of carrying insulin pens and equipment, you could one day need nothing more than a prescription and a pill. Multiple injections throughout the day could be a thing of the past. And this pill could ultimately make it easier to manage your condition.

Insulin Shots May No Longer Be Necessary In the Near Future

Thanks to this impressive research and heartening news from the MIT scientists who discovered the breakthrough, diabetics could soon be able to take their insulin in pill form – and this option could be an easier and equally effective method.

But, don’t wait for the news to come to you.  Stay on top of your own research and look at all the latest treatment info that even your doctor might not know about.  As always, make sure to talk with your doctor as new treatments progress, become available, and are thoroughly tested.  Take control of your healthcare and start your research.