Have you always wanted a career that’s dedicated to helping others? Social workers touch clients’ lives every day in various ways – and they make a huge impact as they work with families and children of all ages.

Getting started as a social worker requires a degree and extensive education. Fortunately, online social work degree programs are the newest way to earn both your degree and the experience needed to start your career. And there are plenty of reasons online degrees are fast becoming a popular choice.

Here are four reasons why online social work degrees are becoming the top choice for degree seekers.

1. Social Work is an In-Demand Field – And an Online Degree Lets You Start Working Fast

Social work is one of the most in-demand professions, and it’s only becoming more important. Right now, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that available jobs for social workers will grow by 16 percent through 2026. And this means current social workers and those who earn social work degrees will be in high demand, with plenty of jobs available.

Social workers are always in need. They help people face challenges and significant obstacles in their lives. And social workers advocate on behalf of their clients, working with organizations and facing challenges on the local, state, and national levels.

With an ever-increasing population, social workers become more important. Whether you’re interested in working with children and families, a school, or even within healthcare, there are many people and many different groups who will welcome your assistance.

Fortunately, earning your nursing degree through an online program allows you to join the workforce quickly. 

For example, a bachelor’s degree in social work program takes an average of 4 years to complete. And it takes just 2 years to earn your master’s, or MSW.  

2. Online Education is as Good as a Traditional Degree Program

One of the biggest concerns about online degree programs is the quality of education. If you aren’t learning in a classroom, with access to professors and the ability to ask questions, how can you learn as well? And do online degree programs even teach the same information?

These concerns are certainly things to consider – but the good news is that the quality students receive from a traditional university or college is exactly the same as online programs.

In fact, online courses aren’t just equal to classroom-based education. According to research and analysis, online education is actually better. Two-thirds of students who took classes online outperformed students who took the same classes at a college. 

Online degree programs replace the classroom with any place students are comfortable studying. You can receive the same quality education, often from the very same universities, in a flexible format. And this means you can fit your nursing degree studies into your busy life – all while you take classes right over the internet.

3. Earning Your Degree Online Offers Flexibility

Instead of following a weekly pace set by an instructor, online degree programs put the control in students’ hands. And if you’re looking for a way to fit a degree into your already busy daily life, an online program will give you the flexibility you need. 

When earning your social work degree via an online program, you won’t have to worry about a commute, cramming assignments into late-night hours, and finding a way to secure housing close to campus. Instead, you can sit comfortably at home – or anywhere else you enjoy studying – and log on when you’re ready to take a class.

Online degree programs are incredibly flexible. You can either take classes at set times or choose a program that lets you watch recorded lectures at any time. You can complete assignments at your own pace, and you can even work ahead to finish classes faster if you want to earn your degree ahead of schedule.

Online degrees make it easy for anyone to complete their education, without having to give up their important responsibilities.

4. Tuition Costs for Online Degrees Are Cheaper

The cost of earning a social work degree is simply too high for many people. And it isn’t realistic to pay tens of thousands of dollars for an education.

However, online degree programs are making nursing degrees an affordable option. 

According to Study.com, tuition for online degree programs costs approximately $100 to $150 per unit or credit. That would add up to $11,000 to $16,000 over the course of a 4-year, 120-credit bachelor’s degree. With traditional colleges charging as much as $300 or $400 per credit, that’s a huge savings.

Without the fees and costs of traditional college, like room and board, student activity fees, or even technology fees, you could save even more.

Find the Right Online Social Work Degree Program Today

Are you interested in becoming a social worker, but aren’t sure if you can fit college into your life? It’s time to consider an online social work degree program. An online degree program is flexible, convenient, and prepares you well with a quality education.

And on top of these benefits, an online degree in social work can also be affordable. If you’re ready to get started, your first step should be finding the right program. To do this, you’ll just need to search online. With many colleges now offering online versions of their programs, interested students just need to find the right fit.