The Connection Between Cholesterol and Heart DiseaseHeart disease and cholesterol have often been the subject of a wide variety of medical studies throughout the years. Believe it or not, trying to find a connection between heart disease and cholesterol has caused nearly 100 studies to be conducted. The vast majority of these studies have resulted in the same findings. Let’s take a look at what they have uncovered.

How Much Cholesterol Is Too Much?

The connection between these two can best be explained by the fact that high levels of cholesterol in the body have been proven to be a possible cause of heart disease in some people. Prior to these studies being conducted, scientists had been trying to determine the exact amount of cholesterol in the body that will result in heart disease. After years of searching, they were able to find the answer.

Cholesterol Can Help the Body

In order for the correct functioning of organs to occur, the human body needs cholesterol. This is a substance similar to fat that has several functions. It can transmit nerve impulses, maintain the body’s cellular structures and helps the liver to function correctly. However, a precise level of cholesterol is needed to perform all of these functions. It the level goes over the amount necessary for proper functioning of the body, the likelihood of heart disease increases.

Good and Bad Cholesterol

Lipoproteins are small clumps of protein and fat that carry fat substances throughout the body. There are two types of cholesterol. LDL is bad cholesterol and HDL is good cholesterol. HDL transports excess cholesterol back to the liver. LDL transports the cholesterol to the places in the body where it is required. When a high level of cholesterol is circulated throughout the human body, a connection begins to form between these two types. When the level of LDL cholesterol becomes higher than its usual amount, there is a chance heart disease will happen. When the LDL level is high, it will begin to build up on the coronary arteries. This causes hardened lumps called plaque to form. Once plaque starts to form, oxygen and blood flow to the heart will eventually become slower and more difficult. If there is a complete blockage of the arteries, cardiac arrest will occur.

How to Lower Your Cholesterol and Prevent Heart Disease

Because of the possibility of heart problems, people are often told to reduce their amount of cholesterol. Studies investigating the connection between heart disease and cholesterol have determined that eating a diet consisting of health foods is the most effective method of preventing heart disease and lowering cholesterol. Eating unhealthy foods is what makes the connection between these two possible. Fish and vegetables are ideal foods to include in your diet to keep cholesterol under control. It is also advisable to stop smoking and start incorporating more exercise into your daily routine.