If you’re currently trying to conceive, or if you think you may be pregnant, keep reading below for the top 10 signs and symptoms that may indicate you have a little bun in the oven.

  1. A late or missed period: A late or missed period can indicate that you’re pregnant. However, there are other causes for missed or late periods, like stress, rapid weight loss, being overweight, birth control, etc.
  2. Spotting: Spotting is a sign of implantation bleeding, which occurs 10 to 14 days post-fertilization. Generally implantation bleeding is earlier and lighter than your expected period.
  3. Breast changes: Swollen, tender breasts occur during pregnancy and before a period, so this is not the best method of determining whether or not you’re pregnant. However, during pregnancy, your breasts are more sensitive due to the increase of hormones in your body. Your breasts also increase in size because your milk glands grow in preparation for feeding a new life.
  4. Headaches: It is unknown what causes headaches during pregnancy, but some believe that headaches are caused by the hormonal changes you’re body is going through. It’s also believed that they are caused by an increase in blood volume and blood circulation.
  5. Fatigue: The fatigue you experience in early pregnancy is caused by several factors, including low blood pressure, low blood sugar levels and increases in blood production and in progesterone, which, in high doses, can cause sleepiness,
  6. Frequent urination: In the beginning stages of pregnancy, you may experience more frequent bouts of urination due to the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).
  7. Cramps: Some women will experience cramps early in pregnancy that are similar in nature to the ones experienced during menstruation, so like breast changes, this is not a surefire way to determine whether or not you’re going to be a mom.
  8. Mood swings: Mood swings are common throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, so don’t be surprised by unexpected bouts of crying.
  9. Nausea and vomiting: Morning sickness, although it can occur at any time of day, afflicts 85% of pregnancies. Most women do not develop morning sickness until their sixth week of pregnancy and are usually finished with it by the end of their twelfth week. However, some women may experience nausea and vomiting throughout their entire pregnancy.
  10. Faintness and dizziness: Dilated blood cells, low blood pressure and low blood sugar can cause faintness and dizziness.

It’s important to note, though, that you may not experience any of the signs or symptoms listed above when pregnant since not all women do.  If you are unsure, make sure to call your doctor to schedule an appointment for a checkup and  pregnancy test to find out for sure.

If it comes back that you are pregnant, congratulations!